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#   English (United States)   Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Info
1 After Stonewall, the LGBT liberation movement took on a more militant approach, but the Annual Reminders still stand as one of the earliest parts of the struggle. Nakon Stonewalla, LGBT oslobodilački pokret preuzeo je militantniji pristup, ali Godišnji podsjetnici i dalje stoje kao jedan od najranijih dijelova borbe.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

2 1903 Kensington Labor Lyceum and March of the Mill Children Kensingtonski radnički licej i marš djece iz mlina iz 1903. godine

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

3 Labor Lyceums were a key part of working-class life and activism in Philadelphia in the early 20th century. Radnički liceji su bili ključni deo života i aktivizma radničke klase u Filadelfiji početkom 20. vijeka.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

4 Essentially large speaking halls, they served as venues for events, dinners, celebrations, social clubs, and organizing hubs. Suštinski velike govorničke sale služile su kao mjesta za događaje, večere, proslave, društvene klubove i organizaciona središta.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

5 The first Labor Lyceum in Philadelphia was founded in 1889 at 441 North 5th street, and the Kensington Lyceum was built in the 1890s in the heart of the Philadelphia textile district. Prvi radnički licej u Filadelfiji osnovan je 1889. godine u ulici 441 North 5th, a Kensingtonski licej izgrađen je 1890-ih u srcu tekstilnog okruga Filadelfije.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

6 So, in 1903, during a general strike of the city's textile workers, Mary Harris, "Mother Jones," led a procession of men and children from the Kensington Lyceum, marching north to New York, where they planned to visit President Theodore Roosevelt at his summer retreat. Tako je 1903. godine, tokom generalnog štrajka gradskih tekstilnih radnika, Mary Harris, „Majka Jones”, vodila povorku muškaraca i djece iz Kensingtonskog liceja, marširajući na sjever do Njujorka, gdje su planirali posjetiti predsjednika Theodora Roosevelta na njegovom ljetnem odmoru.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

7 On July 7, in the scorching heat, they held a mass rally at the lyceum, hearing speeches, and soon 150 men, 50 boys, and Mother Jones, marched out on a 16-day journey to New York. Dana 7. jula, po velikoj vrućini, održali su masovni miting u liceju, slušajući govore, i ubrzo su 150 muškaraca, 50 dječaka i Majka Jones krenuli na 16-dnevno putovanje u Njujork.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

8 Ultimately, they were unable to demand an end to child Labor from the President but did collect donations and support from a mass rally at Madison Square Garden, which they brought back to the strikers in Philadelphia, helping to sustain them until October, when the strike ended. Na kraju, nisu mogli zahtijevati prekid rada djece od predsjednika, ali su prikupili donacije i podršku sa masovnog skupa u Madison Square Gardenu, koje su odnijeli štrajkačima u Filadelfiji, pomažući im da se održe do oktobra, kada se štrajk završio.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

9 The Labor Monument: Spomenik rada:

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

10 Philadelphia's Tribute to the American Worker Filadelfijska počast američkom radniku

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

11 Philadelphia has long been a key piece of America's labor movement, and to commemorate this, Cathy Brady, Vice President of SEIU Healthcare PA, worked with Friends of Elmwood Park and the Association for Public Art to create this monument as part of the New Landmarks: Filadelfija je dugo bila ključni dio američkog radničkog pokreta, a u znak sjećanja na to, Cathy Brady, potpredsjednica SEIU Healthcare PA, radila je s programom Friends of Elmwood Park i Udruženjem za javnu umjetnost na stvaranju ovog spomenika kao dijela Novih znamenitosti:

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

12 Public Art, Community, and the Meaning of Place program. Program javna umjetnost, zajednica i značenje mjesta.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

13 Elmwood Park was, and is, a key piece of the working class community in West Philadelphia and has seen its fair share of labor history, including the 1946 GE Strike. Elmwood park bio je i jeste ključni dio zajednice radničke klase u zapadnoj Filadelfiji i dao je značajan doprinos istoriji rada, uključujući štrajk GE 1946. godine.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

14 The monument, designed by Irish artist John Kindness, commemorates 7 key moments in American labor history through tables fashioned to look like the bronze stud buttons on old denim work clothes. Spomenik, koji je dizajnirao irski umjetnik John Kindness, obilježava 7 ključnih trenutaka u američkoj istoriji rada kroz stolove oblikovane tako da izgledaju poput bronzanih dugmadi na staroj radnoj odjeći od teksasa.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

15 The tables commemorate: Stolovi odaju počast:

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

16 ¡Sí, Se Puede! Da, moguće je!

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

17 – Farm Workers Organize, 3. - Organiziraju se poljoprivredni radnici, 3.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

18 Child Labor Reform – Stealing the Playtime of Children, 4. Reforma dječjeg rada - krađa vremena za igru djece, 4.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

19 I AM A MAN – Labor Joins the Civil Rights Movement, 5. JA SAM ČOVJEK - Laburisti se pridružuju pokretu za građanska prava, 5.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

20 Bread & Roses – Labor & the Women's Rights Movement. Hljeb i ruže - Radnički pokret i pokret za ženska prava.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

21 Today, the monument stands as a lasting testament to not only the resilience of the American labor movement but Philadelphia's key place in it. Danas, spomenik stoji kao trajni dokaz ne samo otporu američkog radničkog pokreta već i ključnog mjesta Filadelfije u njemu.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

22 (Image Courtesy of the Association for Public Art) (Slika zahvaljujući Udruženju za javnu umjetnost)

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

23 In the midst of the American War for Independence, the working classes of Philadelphia were becoming increasingly militant and politically conscious. Usred Američkog rata za nezavisnost, radnička klasa Filadelfije je postajala sve militantnija i politički svjesnija.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

24 Pennsylvania had passed a new constitution in 1776, which guaranteed every free man the right to vote, regardless of his land holdings (most colonial governments at this time only allowed landowners to vote). Pensilvanija je 1776. godine usvojila novi ustav koji je svakom slobodnom čovjeku garantovao pravo glasa, bez obzira na njegov posjed (većina kolonijalnih vlada u to vrijeme dozvoljavala je samo posjednicima zemlje da glasaju).

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com 

25 However, the wealthy conservatives in the city opposed this, leading to a growing distrust between the poor and the rich. Međutim, bogati konzervativci u gradu su se usprotivili, što je dovelo do rastućeg nepovjerenja između siromašnih i bogatih.

Domain: Business 

Company: SEIU 

TM File: export_bs.tmx 

Owner: serge.gladkoff@logrusglobal.com